Ramp Operations – What’s Going on Out There?

Your flight has landed, and the plane is pulling up to the gate. You're ready to spring into action as soon as you hear the "we're stopped" chime. But instead of jumping up and waiting in the aisle, why don't you relax in your window seat, and look outside? You do have a window seat, don't you? There's quite the dance of people and equipment happening, all to service the plane and get it ready for its next flight.

2023-02-20T20:03:07-08:00July 8th, 2014|

Air Canada: New Planes, New Seats, New Rules, and More…

It's looking pretty busy at Air Canada (AC) and not just because they've launched their new "leisure airline," rouge. This summer, AC took delivery of the first two 777-300ERs from their latest five-plane order. When this order is completed, AC will have 17 -300ERs and 6 -200LRs in their international fleet. While AC's new 777s look standard on the outside, they are very different inside.

2023-02-20T20:03:29-08:00September 10th, 2013|
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